Thursday 2 February 2012

Question 2- 1st Draft of evaluation

‘How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts'?

There are some difference with my main product and my ancillary text; however there are also some similarities between the both. The location of my media product is in a forest and this is the same place I decided to do my photo shot for my ancillary text. The reason begin is that I wanted my digipak to have the same effective background that my media product did and also majority of the artist songs are very unusual and different.
In our main product our artist wore a white top which symbolised purity however when arranging my photo shoot I requested for my artist to wear a black top because I wanted her to look mature and older and I also wanted to show another side to my artist which is down to earth. However although I changed the top the main thing I made sure I kept was jean shorts. I decided to keep this item because in my main product the short are shown often so I wanted this pair of clothing to become part of my artist iconography. For example over the last couple months Beyonce has been seen wearing leotards in many of her music videos, the fact that she has persisted to wear it often has now become part of her star image and this is exactly why I wanted to keep the jean shorts.
The way in which I represented my artist make-up and hair in my ancillary text compared to my main product is completely different. In my main product her hair is down and has a messy look to it to show distress however in my ancillary text my artist look well put together because her it up in a bun although it’s a little bit messy it shows that she is versatile. Her make-up in the main product is very heavy the fiery red lipstick and the dark black and gold eye shadow imply that she is outgoing and isn’t afraid of looking ‘over the top’. This however is not the same case for my ancillary text; when taking the photo shoot I made sure that she went for the natural look  with natural colours such as nude and light browns because I wanted there to be a difference between the artist in the video and the artist on the digipak. 
The front cover of my ancillary text is a close-up shot of my artist face. Personally I believe that it is important to put the picture on the front cover because then the audience can recognise her from her video. Also this picture shows a completely different side to my artist because in the picture she looks calm and quite whereas in my main product we can see a bit of feistiness in her character as she singing. My magazine advert has a long shot of my artist sitting in a fail position with a smirk on her face again she looks peaceful  almost as if she’s in her own world which is strange because of the fact that she’s in the middle of a forest. The colours in my main product are cold and icy which could reflect on my artist personality however in my man ancillary text I colour of the picture is a warm and humid orange just like the sun which could also imply that my artist is a lovely person.

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