Friday 16 December 2011

In this magazine advert of Rihanna she is represented as carefree but also feisty. I say this because she is hardly wearing any clothing, infact she has a piece of clothing against her body, which indicates that she is untroubled. However the main colour around the whole image is Red who implies fire and bravery. Rihanna is known for her wild outgoing lifestyle and is highly represented in this magazine advert.
The design and layout of this advert is very bold and Loud. This is very common for and R&B/Pop artist. In the media Rihanna is not seen as one to hold back and also stands out from the crowd therefore the layout of this advert represents her in a major way because it stands out from dull colours.
The advert is laid similar to the Digipak in terms of colour and front. However there is one thing that this advert doesn’t have that others do, and that is the front of the Digipak somewhere in the connors to promote the album. This reason for this again may link to Rihanna being different from many people and breaking the rule. The advert gives you information about when the album is being released.
Automatically looking at the advert it is obvious that rihanna is a Pop artist. I say this because the genre ‘pop’ is known for loud outgoing extravagant colours and this is exactly what is portrayed in this advert although its only one colour it has a massive impact on the whole advert.
Although this advert does not have the front cover of Rihanna Digipak it still represents the album because the same colours used in the album are used in the advert, which is a massive link.

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