Tuesday 27 September 2011

Star image analysis

Which star are you analysing?

The star that I am going to be analyzing is Christina Aguilera. Christina Maria Aguilera was born December 18, 1980. She is an American recording artist and also and actress. In 1998 Aguilera sent in a demo of her singing a ‘Whitney Houston’ song to Disney who were looking for a Singer to record the song ‘reflection’ for the animated film ‘Mulan’. The demo caught the attention of label executive and prouder Ron fair who mentored her throughout her career and enabled Christina to earn a contract with RCA record, this changed her life. The music genres Christina has worked in is Pop, R&B, Soul and Dance. She has done a variety of genre, which makes her a versatile artist.

How was his/her star image established in the earliest video?

In her early years her star image was very innocent and child-like, she was portrayed as the girl next door. Christina wasn’t really seen as a sex symbol but more of a young girl who just wanted to make something of herself. An example of this is the music video ‘genie in the bottle’ which was one of her first songs as a music artist. In this video she’s got the typical high school look which is her short blond hair and her natural make-up. Her costume is also very innocent as she is wearing and Blue and White tank top which indicates that she is pure and innocent. Her Orange combats and trainers prove that she wasn’t mature because the costume colours do not complement and also this is how most teenagers dress. At this specific time in her life it was obvious that Christina was following what the producers wanted to portray her as. I say this because of the way in which she’s dancing; the dance moves are very choreographed and set up. There are no signs of her doing her own thing and just letting loose. They treated her like a mother nuturing a child.

How was that image developed later in his/her career?

As Christina began to get older and noticed to the audience her innocent girl next door image changed dramatically into a more sexual, provocative way. This is portrayed in her music video called ‘dirty’. In this video her costume is very outgoing and skimpy, she is wearing tight Red and Black leather chaps, the colour Black and Red show that she is feisty and is no longer innocent. Her bikini reveals the top part of her body to a great extent, this would be referring to Laura Mulvey theory of the male gaze. However in this case it would seem that Christina is putting herself on show and is making it her decision to dress this way. Her hair is very wild and has the mixture of colour black and white it also looks very greasy and oily which would be referring to the title of the song ‘dirty’. Christina make-up is very dark and gloomy, this makes her look like a rock chick .In this video it is evident that she has become very rebellious an example of this is her piercings on her face. Christian is playing the character of a female boxer. This indicates that over the years she has become much braver and sees herself as ‘one of the guys’ especially the fact that she wearing a biker Jacket. A big contrast between her early years and her later years is the dance moves. In this video we see that plenty of her own dance moves that are occurring which indicates that she has gained confidence and is now able to do her own work.

The visual motif that has been associated with Christina is ‘sex symbol’ and ‘fighter’. An example of this is when she is sitting at the edge of the boxing ring and Men with no top on are surrounding and rubbing them self onto her. It’s almost as if she is an object that there obsessed and amazed by. Later on in the video we see her dancing in the ring with about 5 female dancers behind her trying to copy her movement, this makes her look like a gang leader or an inspiration.

Recently she made a song called ‘Candy Man’ which she looks very sophisticated and classy in. She is wearing a tight fitted suit which makes her look very smart but feminine at the same time. Her hair is nice and tidy and her make-up is calm and natural although she is wearing bright red lipstick it makes her look mature and womanly. This video was after she gave birth to her Son which I think is the reason why she decided to make a huge change in her appearance. Although she is mature and feminine in this video she still portrays the character of a strong individual which is a Captain. This position implies that she has control over her life just like a captain has control over his Ship. Again in this video she is seen as a leader with two female dancers beside her. In this video the men are not all over her but it almost as if they are worshiping the ground she walks on as in one scene they are lifting her up in the air and praising her.

Are there close-ups of the artist throughout his/hers work.

In her earlier song ‘genie in a bottle’ there are close-up shots of her face and these shows how innocent and young she is. The recording label sells the star as a young girl who is still in high school that just wants to pursue her dream of a Singer. However in her later song’ dirty’ there are close up shots of her bum, chest, legs, lips and of female assets, the recording artist is trying to sell her and sex symbol. In her more recent song 'candy man' there are close up shots of her face however in these close up shots she looks like a strong confident mature woman.

How camerawork and editing are used to reinforce and develop the image of the star?

Camerawork work and editing can make the star image either look good or bad. An example of it making Christina look bad is in her video dirty. The camera focuses on her behind and keeps it there for a couple of moment so the audience can take notice of what she’s wearing and her figure, also the editing is very fast which makes Christina look engetic . However there are times when camerawork and editing has made the star look good and this is in the video ‘genie in the bottle’ where the camera zooms in on her child-like face and makes her look helpless and vulnerable.
What do you consider the wider cultural significance of the star? 
Christina Aguilera was popular when she was younger because she was like an inspiration for teenage girls. She showed them that you can do whatever you want in life as long as your passionate about it. When the video ‘Dirty’ came out I believe she was a role model for all those woman that didn’t think they were sexy and she showed women that they could do anything that men could do and that your genre doesn’t classify your capability. As for candy man that video was aim to young Mums who are trying to pursue something with their lives she showed them that having a Child does not mean you have to give up on everything and that you can still be sexy and classy as well as being a Mum. Overall she has been a major role model to women of all ages and through her music she expresses ‘girl power’.

Christina Aguilera started her music career from a very young age and up on till this day she is still going strong. She has made different kind of music with different artist her powerful voice has seen her make some successful songs. She has gained plenty of fans from all ages just because of the message she sends out to them which is hard work and determination.

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