Thursday 19 January 2012

Comparison of adverts

         This is my first draft of my advert, as you can see it isn't complete and isn't very descriptive. I plan on making changes to it, this may not be major changes but there will be a difference between this on and the final advert.

This is my final magazine advert. There are some difference between this and my first draft, for instance the name of the artist is now at the top left hand conner as promised in my previous post. Also i have added a few more company logos in order to get a professional look, the front cover of my CD is no longer at the bottom but at the top of the right hand conner, the reason being is so it can be more visible since this is the main reason i am creating an advert.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Final magazine advert

This is my final magazine advert.

1ST draft of CD advert

This is the first draft of my magazine advert, as you can see it isn't finished  however this is an idea I have. In order to finish my advert i am going to be putting the front of my CD at the top right hand conner, this is because it is a way to advertise my CD which is the aim of the magazine advert and also to make it visible to the audience. Also I will write the name of my artist at the top left and conner and add a few more company logos at the bottom.

Photoshop skills- edited version of yolanda


This is the original image I took of my artist when I conducted my photo shoot in mile end park. As you can see this image appears to be drained and life-less.
As you can see the picture has changed dramatically. Firstly the image has rotated, I done this because I wanted to leave enough space to add text because this image is for my magzine advert. Secondly the colour of the picture has changed from dull to bright also the background is blurred which gives the main focus to the artist.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Plan of CD advert

This is the plan of magazine advert. I will be following this plan to make my actual production.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Post Production: Additional research

 I have come to realize that most R&B/ Pop CD front  covers have the artist image as the front cover I believe this is because the R&B genre itself always focuses on the artist.

Another thing that i have  realized is the font of most R&B covers. The font must be easy to read and understand; Beyonce for example used a simple font which is strong and understandable this goes for most R&B covers.

Front Cover of CD Draft

This is the front cover of my Digi pack, the reason why my artist face is on the front cover is that in most R&B CD covers the artist face is on the front cover because when it comes to R&B videos its all about the artist and no one else. Since this was my chosen genre i decided to follow the conventions of music videos. 

Final digipak

In order to my may Digi pack look better I changed the CD itself by changing the name and adding company logos and term of conditions as promised in my previous post.

Friday 13 January 2012

1ST draft of digipak

This is the first draft of my Digi pack. I shall be making changes such as my CD will have my artist name written on it instead of 'LIBERTY' and this is because my artist is the main selling point. Also i am going yo add a fe company logos on the CD and terms of conditions to give it 'the professional' look.

Digipak Plan

This is the plan of my music video I shall be following this template to help me withe production of my actual music video.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Photoshoot for Digi pack and advert

In order to create my own advert and Digi pack I went to Mile End park and organised a photo shoot of Yolanda. I used the SLR Cannon camera. As you can see some pictures came out more clearer than others however I managed to get some good shots that I was able to use.