Thursday 23 June 2011

Analysing narrative in music videos

The video I will be analysing is ‘Destiny Child’s- survivor’. I will be focusing on 3 theorists called Tororov, Propp and Levi- srauss.

This videos I believe follows a typical Todorvian narrative model, the reasomn why I say this is because its starts of with an equilibrium which is when they find themselves on the deserted island and do not recognise where they are at this point there are no problems just confusion. However the problem comes when the dis- equilibrium kicks in and this is when they realise that they are trapped on the islands. In there lyrics they say ‘ you thought I would self destruct but im still here’ meaning that even though they stranded they will still keep there heads up high. Also dis equilibrium is when the storm and thunder hits them hard and the boat beings to shake this is a dill lemma. The recognition is when they are notice a helicopter in the air and the three destiny child singer run as if there running for there lives and all of a sudden the sun comes out which implies hope and freedom. The reparation is when they put there hands in the air in unity its almost as if there thanking God. When they finally get on the helicopter and its moves this is when we see the new equilibrium.

 Plenty of Propp characters are in this video. The hero in this video is the three women. The villains are the storm, thunder and the also the person who believed they wouldn’t make it. There are quite a few donors in this music video and they are the people in the camouflage outfit who notice the helicopter and also the 3 girls helped each other so each one of them are donors. False hero is the man constantly watching them. Structure of this narrative is liner it all goes in order and also its parallel narrative because we see different things happening at the same time but they all meet in the end. Time is represented in and ellipsis kind of way everything is at different timing.

The enigma code in this music video is how did they get trapped in this deserted island and who are there lyrics going towards and also who found them and how did they know they were there at that present time in moment. This video can be seen as strong and weak because at some point you see them struggling especially at the boat scene however towards the end we see one of them shouting up to the heavens and that’s when they discover the helicopter.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Introduction to my analysis

In the next few blogs that I am going to post, I will be recording what i have learned about the codes and conventions of music videos. I shall be exploring narrative and media language in a range of ideas that i have chosen. I hope that this will help me to develop my own ideas later.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Introduction to my whole blog

Hi my name is Khadija Kamara and this is my A2 media music blog. I decided to do media last year as an AS and continued with it into A2 and this was because last year I found media interesting and it was very different from my other subject. Although I had difficulty with it at first I gained plenty of help from my Media Teacher’s  and learnt so many things about media and now that I am in A2 I find it much easier to use certain technologies. As the year goes by I will be documenting each and everything I do in Media A2, I may not be continuing with it in university but i am happy to take the experience of media studies away and it could be useful later on in the future. I hope you enjoy my blog.